Become a Super Resourcing Therapist
Apply today!
Ready to submit your application?
Simply fill out a contact from and a member of our team will be in touch to set up an interview. We will reach out via email with any questions and to provide updates once your application has been processed.
Application Process
- Read the Training Levels below and determine what level of membership you would like to apply for.
- Submit a contact form to request an interview with a member of our Admissions Team and pay application fee (varies with each level of application – see Training Levels for relevant fees).
- Submit referral information and pay dues ($150 every two years).
After your application has been processed and accepted, you will receive a request for referral information for inclusion on our website; once received, you will be listed on the Super Resourcing Institute Online Directory as a Trained or Certified SR Therapist or Consultant.
Training Levels
Level 1:
Basic Training
- Complete a 6.0 or higher CE home study, in-person course, or livestreamed webinar after 2022 and submit Certificate of Completion
- Join and maintain current Super Resourcing Institute status ($150.00 USD every two years)
- Application Fee: Included with SRI membership
- Therapists at this level may use SR in their practice
- Therapists may receive referrals for prospective clients and be listed on the “Find an SR Therapist” page of the SRI website when it launches
Level 2:
Certified SR Therapist
- Complete a 6.0 CE or higher webinar or in-person course after 2022 and submit Certificate of Completion (visit Training Courses page to view options)
- Provide a copy of your current license to work independently as a mental health professional in the state or province where you practice
- Complete a minimum of 8 hours of in-person or remote consultation
- Present a minimum of one full SR audio session with a client
- Conduct 10 full sessions of SR with 4 different clients
- Provide a Letter of Verification from a Certified SR Consultant indicating completion of required consultation hours for Level 2 and competence in the process and procedures of SR
- Join and maintain current Super Resourcing Institute status ($150.00 USD every two years)
- Application Fee: $100.00 USD
Upon acceptance of the basic requirements for Level 2, you may:
- Refer to yourself as a Certified SR Therapist
- Provide SR therapy
- Take SR Advanced Trainings
- Work toward SR Consultant Certification
- Receive referrals for prospective clients
- Apply to be listed in the Super Resourcing Institute Online Directory
Level 3:
Certified SR Consultant
In addition:
- Have a minimum of two years of experience in your field of license
- Complete a minimum of 15 hours of in-person or remote consultation, 10 of which must be individual
- Conduct 15 full sessions of SR with 6 different clients
- Present a minimum of 2 full SR audio sessions with 2 different clients
- Provide a Letter of Verification from a Certified SR Consultant indicating completion of required consultation hours for Level 3 and competence in the process and procedures of SR
- Maintain current Super Resourcing Institute status ($150.00 USD every two years)
- Application Fee: $150.00 USD
Upon acceptance of the basic requirements for Level 3, you may:
- Receive all previous benefits from Level 2 (Certified SR Therapist)
- Provide SR consultation and therapy
- Apply to develop and present Advanced Training webinars or workshops (1.0 to 3.0 CE credits) on special topics in your area(s) of expertise