Welcome to Super Resourcing Institute

Achieve healing without having to walk the coals of pain and suffering.

For Therapists

Super Resourcing offers a new way of thinking about healing attachment trauma that is both creative and grounded in current neurobiology research.  It is designed as an effective and time-efficient modality that targets the solution, not the problem.

Read more to discover how Super Resourcing can help your clients.

Become a Certified Super Resourcing Therapist

Are you interested in offering Super Resourcing to your clients?  Super Resourcing Institute offers training for healing arts professionals at all levels.

We offer self-paced webinars and livestreamed courses that are designed to fit your schedule.  Read more about the application process to become a Certified Super Resourcing Therapist today.

For Clients

Super Resourcing is a valuable treatment solution for individuals of all ages and stages of healing.  It focuses on what is best in us and unlocks our dormant positive capacities by creating an inner experience of safety, nurturance, protection, and guidance.

Read more to learn about how Super Resourcing can support your healing journey.

NOW OPEN: Super Resourcing Facebook Group

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Super Resourcing Institute Facebook group.  The purpose of the group is threefold:

    1. To support our growing community by creating opportunities to network and share SR experiences with your colleagues.
    2. To serve as a learning platform.  Each week, a lead practitioner will share tips and information about aspects of Super Resourcing.
    3. To provide a central place for practitioners to ask questions about the process and procedures of SR and the clinical issues that arise while using it.  Your questions will inform the weekly conversation, and the information is tailored to fit the needs and interests of the group at large.

Join today using the link below!

Upcoming Livestreamed Trainings

Our courses are designed for healing arts professionals of all kinds and can comfortably fit any schedule.  We offer live webinars, self-paced courses, and both individual and group consultations.

Please visit our Training Courses page for a list of all classes including self-paced webinar options.

“Thank you so much for the training.  It was excellent.  I felt like it was so full of gems that I wanted to transcribe every single word you said.  Thank you for being such a bright light in the world.”

– Chere Douglas, LMFT